Skyway Bridge Bikeway

A bikeway and pedestrian lane (multi-use path) on the Cape Fear River Skyway Bridge is a vision that a group of New Hanover and Brunswick County Landscape Architects have for the region.

Resolution in Support of Multi-Use Path

If you would like to help in this "grass roots" effort just copy and paste resolution provided below and have your orginization vote to approve and mail signed and dated copy to:

Howard T. Capps, RLA, ASLA
Chair, Skyway Bridge Bikeway Comittee
NCASLA Coastal Section
201 North Front Street, Suite 512
Wilmington, N.C. 28401

If you prefer you may scan the approved resolution and send as a PDF attachment to We will assemble resolutions and submit to WMPO and Turnpike Authority. Thank you for your interest and support.


WHEREAS, the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) the North Carolina Turnpike Authority a business unit of the NCDOT and NCDOT are in the early planning stages for the Cape Fear Skyway Bridge to provide a needed connection over the Cape Fear River between New Hanover and Brunswick County, and

WHEREAS, bicycle and pedestrian facilities as an alternative means of transportation in the Wilmington Urban Area are desired by local residents to connect neighborhoods, schools, parks and regional attractions; and

WHEREAS, the 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan called for an increase in safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users, as well as an increase in accessibility and mobility options available to people, and a transportation system that promotes energy conservation and improve the overall quality of life; the integration and connectivity of the transportation system for people; and

WHEREAS, the 2035 Cape Fear Commutes Vision Statement for 2035 Transportation Plan is to provide a Transportation Plan for a safe, efficient, appropriate, responsible, integrated, multi-modal transportation system throughout the Wilmington Urban Area over the next 25 years; and

WHEREAS, the WMPO BikePed Committee created in April 2007 to advise the WMPO Transportation Advisory Committee on ways to promote the use of bicycling and walking for transportation, development of safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities, facilitate projects, plans, programs, and ideas that promote a safer environment for bicycling and walking in the WMPO planning area; and

WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Skyway Bridge is in the early planning phase and incorporation of a bikeway into the design of the bridge will address many of the goals outlined in the 2030, 2035 Long Range Transportation Plans and WMPO BikePed Committee goals and design by providing a safe alternative to the automobile, making the Cape Fear Skyway Bridge a truly multi-modal facility that will provide bike & pedestrian connection to the Wilmington Cross City Trail, East Coast Greenway, and planned bike and pedestrian facilities in Brunswick County and in the Town of Leland

Now therefore, be it resolved that ______________________________________requests that the WMPO and the North Carolina Turnpike Authority include a bikeway (multi-use path) in the design of the Cape Fear Skyway Bridge.

Adopted at a meeting of ___________________________________on __________2010

