Skyway Bridge Bikeway
A bikeway and pedestrian lane (multi-use path) on the Cape Fear River Skyway Bridge is a vision that a group of New Hanover and Brunswick County Landscape Architects have for the region.
2030 Long Range Transportation Plan Summary
1. Purpose of Plan
The 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a federally mandated document that provides a comprehensive assessment of the current and future transportation needs of people and goods within the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) area and provides recommendations regarding how those needs should be addressed over the next twenty-five years. The LRTP establishes goals and objectives for the improvement of travel conditions within the WMPO planning area and makes specific recommendations for improvement projects and funding opportunities. In accordance with federal regulations, the LRTP must be fiscally constrained. In other words, the plan must demonstrate that the recommended transportation projects can be implemented based on reasonable future-year funding expectations. The 2030 LRTP addresses all surface transportation modes, including highways, rail, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians, as well as the connection to aviation, ports, and ferries. Transportation officials and decision makers utilize the recommendations of the LRTP to prioritize long-term transportation needs and to guide the appropriation of transportation funds.
2. Multimodal Transportation System
The long range plan addresses the following modes of transportation
Provide a safe and efficient system of regional highway facilities that promotes mobility and will adequately move people and goods into, out of, and throughout the Wilmington urban area.
The Cape Fear Skyway Bridge is shown as the second priority project in the 2005 Long Range Plan. (First priority is completion of I-140 from US 421 to US 17 in Brunswick County)
Bicycle Travel
Create and continuous and direct system of regional bicycle facilities within the Wilmington urban area.
Pedestrian Travel
Create a continuous network of safe, convenient, and accessible pedestrian facilities that connects local residents and visitors to regional activity centers and major transportation facilities.
Public Transit
Develop and maintain a public transportation system that provides safe and convenient access for a variety of trip destinations and purposes that is convenient to all residents and visitors within the Wilmington area.
Regional Goods Movement System
Create a safe and efficient freight transportation system that provides maximum access for local shippers to the international marketplace. This freight system should focus on air, water, and rail modes of transport.
Transportation Demand Management
Implement a transportation demand management program aimed at minimizing travel or encouraging travel by modes other than single-occupant automobiles.
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